Posts from the studio have been infrequent, but the work continues. The paintings in these images are part of the body of work Hic Sunt Leones. The imagery continues to be derived from basic elements: land masses, bodies of water, trees, sky, stars and the forms/marks push and pull through two- and three-dimension forms. Most of the titles from this body of work (like the title of this post) come from the work of poet W.S. Merwin, whose words have had a large influence on my thinking. I find many of the themes of his prose to be relevant - an undercurrent of loss, the rugged beauty of the nature world, the folly of man- but always with a tinge of hope (or at least I think so).
Most of the work is a VERY modest scale- around 26 inches. I hope to start some larger works on canvas and paper soon - stay tuned.